Let's do it~!!!!!!
1 . who sleeps in bed next to you ?
--xde sape..bantal je :D
2 . do you ever lied to a boyfriend/girlfriend to get out of somethings ?
--x jugak..sbb solo ag hahahah
3 . what kind of kuih raya did you make ?
-- samperit je..
4 . best day of the week ?
-- same je setiap ari..
5 . what's really creepy ?
-- ntahla..
6 . what's your current fandom / obsession / addiction ?
--nak tido sunggoh2..xnk bangun dah..can i?
7 . what are the colour of your baju raya ?
-- i hate that now!!
8 . what did you eat for break fast today ?
-- nasik impit
9 . what is your aim for this raya ?
-- nothing..tp kalau boleh sy nk undur wak2..boleh ke?
10 . what was the last things you bought ?
-- kacang rebus kat hentian R&R bukit gantang semalam tyme otw blik kg
11 . what was the cutiest thing you've seen recently ?
-- My face this morning-->sdg perasan
12 . does the cute things affect your mood ?
-- sangat...
13 . what is your zodiac sign ?
-- virgo is mine
14 . do you want to learn other skills ?
-- sure..anything..
15 . 5 things you can't live without ?
-- my mom & family &..bla..bla..bla..
16 . if you could meet anyone now , who would you meet ?
-- someone yg sy rindu kot..
17 . what's somethings you'd to say to someone right now ?
-- am i a bad gurl???
18 . what are you looking forward to ?
-- jadi budak yg da besar
19 . say something to the person who tagged you ?
-- hye cik norfa..tengs sbb sudi tagged sy..slamat ary raya maaf zahir batin :)
lastly , tag eight people .
xpe la..sape2 nk buat silakan lah ye..jngn malu jngn segan, lbih 8 pon x pe :D