Tuesday, April 22, 2014

x baik buat orang, Tuhan marah

dear bloggy,
sngt lama la x dtg jenguk sni :)
tu lah relax lama sngt huhuk
skarang sdg kena jentik
baru teringat kt kau
xpe belom luka lg
it just a reminder
jangan buat orang, Tuhan marah
buat org sakit then kita pon akan rasa sakit tu balik
just patah balik
so this is for me
Thank you for the tick tock
will patah balik pada yg ESA
harap setiap kesilapan akan dijentik
sebab aku bukan manusia sempurna
Maaf pada yang terluka
pada yang meluka
aku maafkan
andai perlu masa

live your life away....

Friday, April 11, 2014

back off

Mood Mari Belajar 

Phrasal Verbs:

back away
To withdraw from a position; retreat.

back down
To withdraw from a position, opinion, or commitment.

back off
To retreat or draw away.

back out
1. To withdraw from something before completion.
2. To fail to keep a commitment or promise.

back up
1. To cause to accumulate or undergo accumulation:
 The accident backed the traffic up for blocks. 
Traffic backed up in the tunnel.
2. Computer Science To make a backup of (a program or file).


* then i choose to back off.