saya merupakan seorg penganggur bermula sejak 01052012 lepas
tp actually my so called 'loply' boss had just let me go A.S.A.P. as i finished up my handwork early
so 24042012 was my hoorey day
wehoo! yipee! yipee! dont be jelous everybody pukul 3 ptg dah blah hehehehe
but just only came back on 30042012
i might think just to get my testimony
by giv the cheque for the last pay as her employee with all the deducted
then there u r
my last pay would be MYR 300++
(kau ada? aku ngn teah ada tp acah lg best 100+++ je kot-sabar ye sohabati)
should 'thanks' a lot to her for being so 'great'
whatever 8-|
the past was past
trying to 'let bygone be bygone'
semggu dok umah ok find
masuk mggu ke dua antara soalan yg keluar
'kak mggu lps tyme ni (5pm) adk dok watpa ye?'
hehe it's ok
sepupu aku pulak kata
ang jd la surirumah sat
ada gaya ke? huru hara ja aku asa T_T
tp ok gk kn tak watpa skang ni so jg rumah la
cuba2 la bw2 blajar masak (LOL - tolong gelak kuat2)
blaja masak la sngt last2 yg aku x yakin nk wat aku sdia bhn tggu kak aku blik skolah baru masak wahahaha terbaik pnya adik kan hee~
selain itu
boleh jugak aku study paper yg bakal diambil pd 20062012 jam 1500 di PTPL
subject : Governance, Risk & Ethics
wpon 1 paper tp susah wooooo
mggu depan revision class direct then tggu tyme
semoga berjaya!
wish me luck okey
for PTD exam this Saturday too - 12052012 - USM, Nibong Tebal (kenapa aku perlu ke sana lg? biasa la tmpt jatuh lg kan dikenang :D)